우리아이 특별활동에도 이제 Diversity가 필요하다.
미국에서 좋은대학에 들어가기위해 어렸을때부터 부모님들은 이것저것 가르치며 열공을 들이고 있습니다. 그런데 우리모두 우리
아이의 특별활동에 대해서 한번 다시 생각 해 봐야 할것같아 이글을 쓰게 되었습니다. 대부분의 한국 부모들이 다른 선배 부모님들을
따라서 하는경우가 대부분 이라고 생각합니다.
저희지역을 보더라도 아주 많은한국아이들이 악기를 하고, 오케스트라에서 활동하고 운동은
골프아니면 테니스를 하고 봉사활동으로 양로원, 병원에서 봉사활동을 하고 있습니다. 입학전형에서 비슷한 상황의 학생중 선택을
해야 한다면 당연히 독창적이고 자신의 열정을 보여줄수 있는 특별활동을 지속적으로 한 학생을 선택할 것 입니다.
해답은 독창적이고 자신의 열정을 보여줄수 있는 특별활동을 아주 잘 해야 합니다. 말은 쉽지만 어려운 문제라고 생각합니다.
그리고 특별활동은 꼭 악기가 아니어도 꼭 스포츠가 아니어도 됩니다. 수학을 잘하는 아이는 수학을, 과학을 잘 하는 아니는 과학을
스포츠를 좋아하는 아이는 스포츠를 열정을 가지고 열심히 지속적으로 잘 해서 특별한 성과를 얻을 수 있다면 성공한 특별활동이라고
생각합니다. 과연 우리아이에게 어울리는특별활동을 고민 해 보시기 바랍니다. 그리고 힘내시기 바랍니다.
jersey mom
All right reserved
2017년 1월 26일 목요일
2017년 1월 16일 월요일
Math Camp at Bergen County Academies
제가 아이를 다 키우고 보니 모든 학문의 기본은 Math하는것을 다시한번 뼈저리게 느끼게 되더라구요. 아마도 하이스쿨에 또 더 나아가 대학에 가서도 Math에 강한 학생들은 다른아이들보다 강점이 있습니다. 그런의미에서 뉴저지에서 Math에 자신이 있는 또는 흥미가 있는 아이들을 위한 BCA 에서 운영하는 프로그램이 있어서 소개하려고 합니다.
미들스쿨 아이들은 일요일 10:00 AM~1:40PM까지 하고 있고 하이스쿨은 토요일 같은 시간에 하고 있습니다. 이 프로그램은 정말 매쓰를 좋아하는 아이들에게는 많이 성장할 수 있는 기회가 되리라 생각합니다. 또한 원하는 아이들은 각종 컴페티션에 나갈수 있도록 이끌어줍니다. 각 코치들의 연락처입니다. 간단하게 이메일 후 JOIN하실 수 있습니다. Math 공부도 하고 Sweet한 Snack, Donuts, Soda도 맘껏 먹을 수 있어요.
Math Team meeting times – The BCA Math Team meets on Saturdays, 12:00pm to 4:00pm for high school students; and Sundays, 10:00am to 1:40pm for middle school students. Please contact Dr. Abramson ( micabra@bergen.org) for the Saturday program, or Mr. Pinyan ( jonpin@bergen.org) for the Sunday program, if you would like more information.
BCA Math team이 참가하는 컴페티션입니다.
11/1 – Columbia Math Tournament (New York, NY; day trip)
11/8 – Duke Math Meet (Durham, NC; Friday-Sunday)
11/15 – Harvard/MIT November Tournament (Cambridge, MA; Friday-Saturday; “novice”)
11/22 – Princeton University Math Competition (Princeton, NJ; day-trip)
2/14 – Stanford Math Tournament (Stanford, CA; length TBD)
2/21 – Harvard/MIT Math Tournament (Cambridge, MA; Friday-Saturday)
2/28 – Lehigh Math Competition (Bethlehem, PA; day-trip for all interested HSers)
5/31 – ARML (State College, PA; Friday-Saturday for all interested HSers)
Other competitions taking place at BCA
10/12 – Joe Holbrook Memorial Math Competition – BCA-run for middle school students2/3 and 2/25 – American Mathematics Contest [AMC 10/12]
3/19 or 3/25 – American Invitational Mathematics Examination [AIME]
April TBD – New York State Math League
4/28-29 – United States of America (Junior) Mathematics Olympiad [USA(J)MO]
더 자세한 정보는 아래 웹사이트에서 확인 해 보세요.
jersey mom
Copyright © 2017 jerseymom LLC All rights reserved.
2017년 1월 13일 금요일
버겐아카데미 준비하기
올해 BCA를 준비하는 부모님들은 마음이 바쁜시간들을 보내시라 생각합니다. 제 아이가 들어간것도 어언5년의 시간이 흘러 조금씩 바뀐사항이 있어서 신문에 나온 내용을 추가합니다.
입학시험 만큼 GPA도 중요
표준시험·교사추천 등 반영
◆한인들이 많이 사는 뉴저지주 버겐카운티에서 한인 학생들의 지원이 가장 많은 특목고는 해켄색에 있는 버겐아카데미입니다. 버겐아카데미는 버겐카운티정부가 운영하는 테크니컬스쿨(BCTS) 소속 7개 특수목적 학교 중 하나입니다.
버겐아카데미 입시는 뉴욕시 특목고와 다르게 입학시험 외에도 7~8학년 학점(GPA)과 주 표준시험 교사 추천 에세이 등 다양한 요소를 종합적으로 평가합니다.
입학시험은 영어와 수학 과목으로 나눠집니다. 영어 시험은 지문을 읽고 이와 관련된 질문에 대한 답을 에세이 형식으로 작성합니다. 제한 시간은 40분이며 에세이를 통해 학생의 종합적 사고력 통찰력 논리력 문장력 등을 평가하게 됩니다. 에세이는 5개 단락(paragraph) 분량으로 작성해야 합니다.
버겐아카데미 웹사이트에 에세이 작성 샘플이 공개돼 있습니다.
수학 시험은 60분 안에 총 40문제를 풀어야 합니다. 영어와 마찬가지로 버겐아카데미 웹사이트에 다양한 샘플 테스트가 제공됩니다. 초반 20문제에 비해 후반 20문제의 난이도가 더 높기 때문에 시간 배분에 신경을 써야 합니다. 또 학교에 따르면 대수학(algebra)과 기하학(geometry)을 중학교 때 공부해 놓는 것이 시험을 치르는데 도움이 됩니다.
버겐아카데미에 따르면 입학시험보다 더 중요하게 여겨지는 것이 중학교 성적입니다. 7~8학년 GPA가 꾸준하지 못한 학생은 합격이 어렵다는 뜻입니다.
내년 버겐아카데미 입학을 위해서는 올 가을학기에 8학년으로 진학해야 하며 버겐카운티에 살고 있는 학생이어야 합니다.
입학 지원을 위해서는 웹사이트(https://studentadmissions.bergen.org/)에 접속해 온라인 지원서를 작성하면 됩니다. 지원 마감은 보통 12월 중순까지입니다. 또 3명의 교사에게 추천서를 받아야 하며 재학 중인 중학교 성적표도 제출해야 합니다.
지원서를 제출한 학생들은 입학시험을 치르게 되며 이 가운데 1차 선발에 통과한 학생들을 대상으로 2월 말쯤 인터뷰에 응하라는 편지가 발송됩니다. 인터뷰를 거친 학생 가운데 최종 합격자를 4월 중순쯤 통보합니다.
버겐아카데미는 연간 5000명 정도의 학생들이 지원해 이 가운데 270여 명만 선발되는 것으로 알려져 있습니다. 이 학교 입학에 대해 보다 자세한 정보를 얻으려면 11~12월에 열리는 오픈하우스 행사에 참여하면 됩니다. 오픈하우스 일정 확인과 참가 등록은 웹사이트(bctsopenhouse.bergen.org)에서 할 수 있습니다.
미주중앙일보에서 발췌한 내용입니다.
버겐 아카데미의 더 자세한 내용은 https://jerseymomsdiary.wordpress.com/category/버겐아카데미/ 참조 하세요.
Jersey mom
Copyright © 2017 jerseymom LLC All rights reserved.
뉴저지 교육정보,
미국 교육정보,
버겐카운티 교육정보
New Jersey, USA
2017년 1월 12일 목요일
Bergen County Academies After hours Programs
버겐 아카데미에서 하는 미들스쿨 학생들을 위한 프로그램입니다. 아이들이 관심있는 분야에 더 깊이 들어갈 수 있는 계기가 되는 프로그램이라고 생각합니다. Spring Session이 곧 시작입니다.
아래의 프로그램 이외에도 Math team, Computer Science team, Model UN 이 있으니 상세하게 문의하세요.
January 22nd to May 21st 2017
2017 Spring AAH Course Descriptions
3D Modeling and Animation
(Grades 5-8)
This course uses techniques in modeling, material generation, and key framing with 3D Studio Max. Components of the course include modeling (deformations), material generation, key framing (morphing), and rendering with video output for playback on a computer. 3D Studio Max (sometimes called 3DS Max or just MAX) is a 3D computer graphics and animation software program.
BCA Makerspace Invention Lab
(Grades 6-8)
Young "Makers" will be introduced to the design process for the purpose of creating a new mechanical product, toy or game. Students will brainstorm, sketch, 3D model, and then mockup and test their rough designs. Final prototypes will be built with the assistance of common hand tools and supplies plus the use of our 3D Printing and/or Laser Cutting technologies. Lab projects can include the new and unique creative designs of individuals or student groups. Past projects have included puzzles and board games as well as simple toy models and product innovations.
Be a Smart Leader: Emotional Intelligence
(Grades 5-8)
Ever wonder why some kids “seem” more confident and have good people skills?
This class will examine emotional awareness as well as applying and managing emotions. By developing these three key skills individuals are more likely to build self-confidence and personal growth. Emotionally intelligent people usually experience better health, more happiness and improved learning capacity. Utilizing basic psychology and the study of human behavior the class will partake in role playing activities, analyze movie scenes and other assorted learning activities to show how all people develop emotional intelligence. The final goal is for students to attain a greater sense of individual enlightenment, passion and well-being.
CAD & Lego Designs
(Grades 5-8)
Students will use solid modeling, an efficient method, as an introduction to the design process. Students learn basic sketching skills to develop designs, drafting techniques, and use Autodesk Inventor Professional software to design and model a Lego piece. Students will also utilize sophisticated software features, and descriptive geometry to increase design efficiency that will optimize design editing. Students will create their own Lego design and will learn about 3D printing technologies. In addition students will receive a customized 3D printed version of their Lego.
Cool Chemistry
(Grades 6-8)
This laboratory hands-on course will excite students when they learn how and why various chemical phenomena work. They will perform mini experiments to see why fireworks display so many colors, investigate what colors make up ordinary ink, experience the power of atmospheric pressure, learn what makes light sticks work, watch how you can boil water at room temperature or in a paper cup, and many others! Each session will begin with a brief lesson describing the scientific principles that will be witnessed that day before conducting the fascinating experiments. This chemistry class will be sure to create a reaction!
Crazy Biology
(Grades 5-8)
In this course we will take a look at the wild world of biology, looking at the basics of this life science as it pertains to the world of the most bizarre and interesting organisms on the planet!
Create Your Own Business
(Grades 6-8)
Students will work collaboratively in cooperative groups to create their own businesses. Students will acquire understanding of the cost, licensing and advertising aspects of entrepreneurship. Students will design a product or create the service for their business. Students will tackle issues pertaining to name, location and type of business. They will also identify the best method to sell their products and services. Participants will enhance writing, analytical, speaking, public presentation, marketing, interviewing, Microsoft Office Suite and general business skill sets.
Creating Cool Websites
(Grades 5-8)
For anyone curious about creating a Web site, this class is the ultimate starter kit. Whether you're building a sophisticated commercial Web site or just creating an online spot to call home, good Web site development is about a lot more than just HTML nowadays. Students will spend lots of time exploring the nuances of xhtml and cascading Style Sheets (CSS) as they implement them on their own web sites.
Creative Writing
(Grades 6-8)
This introductory writing workshop focuses on the reading, discussion and revision of students’ short fiction and poetry. Students will be introduced to models of fiction and poetry and will use these models to develop their own creative pieces. Students will enhance their storytelling skills and learn how to capture a reader’s attention while finding their own, unique voice. Topics covered will include character, setting, point of view, imagery, and poetic forms. Students will collaborate to compile an anthology of student writing composed during the course. No prior creative writing experience is necessary.
Critical Thinking: Reading, Writing, and Games
(Grades 5-7)
Critical thinking is important for everyone. We all use thinking processes constantly and we should be able to consider problems, reason and debate in a logical way. Students will practice reading and writing techniques to help them to problem solve and think more critically, plus learn ways to do so while playing games.
Design. Make.Test: Creating through Engineering
(Grades 6-8)
This will be a hands on, exploratory class where students will work through an iterative process to build solutions to unique challenges. Topics such as critical thinking, designing through failure, and the encouragement of unique solutions, will becritical course objectives. Students will sketch, prototype, build, test, redesign and test again, through instructional format that fosters creative problem solving using science, technology, engineering, and mathematical thinking.
Designing Public Policy
(Grades 6-8)
Do you want to fix a problem in society? Learn concrete research skills and effective use of online sources to design a public policy. Students will learn about the processes, including problem analysis, stakeholder analysis, evaluation of options, choice of policy instruments, allocation of resources and construction of programs, as well as methods of monitoring and evaluation. They will also learn about written tools including op-eds and white papers. The course is organized into modules the students can navigate. Students will be guided by the instructor who teaches public policy for Syracuse University.
Do You Love to Debate?
(Grades 6-8)
This summer course develops the debate skill sets which include public speaking, note taking, research and listening. Students will learn how to execute impromptu and persuasive speeches. Debate has the potential to impact most aspects of a student’s life as it provides an exceptional chance for students to cultivate and become proficient at life skills of oral communication and critical thinking.
Flash Fiction and Creative Writing
(Grades 6-8)
Flash Fiction or Short Shorts must do two things: define a MOMENT in time and create UNEASE. In this course of study, students will read a variety of flash fiction works from American and International authors. They will analyze the stories for central ideas, and support their ideas with evidence from the stories in discussion. Students will also write and edit their own “flash” stories.
Honors Algebra
(Grades 6-8)
This course emphasizes the development of problem solving skills, all of which are important for the SAT. Topics covered include linear and quadratic equations, inequalities, exponents, radicals, and polynomials. Knowledge of pre-algebra, including operations with positive and negative numbers, is expected.
Honors Geometry
(Grades 6-8)
This is a formal Geometry course offered to students who have a strong aptitude in mathematics. Topics covered include angles, parallel lines and transversals, triangles, polygons, circles, perimeter and area, similarity and congruence, trigonometry, solids, surface area, and volume. The emphasis of this course is the development of problem-solving skills related specifically to problems in two or three-dimensional space.
Intermediate Java Programming
Grades 6-8
Intermediate Java teaches the object-oriented paradigm of the Java programming language. Prerequisite: Students must have successfully completed Introduction to Java.
Introduction to Java Programming
(Grades 6-8)
Introduction to Java Programming introduces students to computer programming techniques using the Java Programming language. Students will learn the structure, syntax, and the object-oriented programming paradigm of Java.
MathCounts Training Camp
(Grades 58)
MATHCOUNTS® is a math enrichment and competition program for middle school students that takes place through a series of fun and engaging contests, at the school, regional, state, and national levels. This course is designed to introduce, motivate, and challenge students as they develop strong math skills for the competitions. The class will cover contest skills including teambuilding, communication, and rapid response, as well as the MATHCOUNTS® topics: Counting, Probability, Statistics (Mean, Median, Mode), Patterns, Pythagorean Theorem, Area, ThreeDimensional Geometry, Proportions/Ratios/Percents, Algebraic Equations, and Number Theory.
Mock Trial
(Grades 6-8)
Students in the Mock Trial course develop a greater understanding of the law and of the trial system in the United States. The course prepares them for middle school mock trial tournaments based on criminal cases. Topics include: basic knowledge of an attorney’s responsibilities and of court procedures, preparing an assigned case from both the prosecution and defense positions, assuming the roles of witnesses and attorneys, and presenting the case in the mock trial during the final class.
Model UN
(Grades 6-8)
Do you like to debate? Do you like international issues? Then Model UN is for you! In this course we will learn about the current state of world affairs and how to argue and debate these issues using Model UN procedures. Students will use web resources to research the United Nations and other international bodies, as well as international issues. If you like learning about and debating international issues, this class is for you!
Non-Routine Problem Solving
(Grades 5-8)
Students learn how to solve problems in number theory, logic, algebra, and geometry. Students work with experienced coaches and instructors in small, collaborative teams. They improve their problem-solving abilities by tackling challenges that involve creative thinking; they also learn strategies that can be applied to any kind of research. They are prepared to proceed beyond MathCounts to local, state, national, and international math competitions.
(Grades 6-8)
What is the key to measurement? How can we find the speed of an object without a speedometer? How can we find the weight of a person on different planets? How can the speed of sound be measured? How is electricity related to magnetism? How can a lens focus light on a piece of paper? Students in the physics course will explore these and other questions through calculations and hands-on activities.
(Grades 5-7)
In this course we will explore mathematical concepts to prepare for algebra studies, including algebraic expressions, integers, equations, inequalities, decimals, fractions, ratios, proportions, percents, probability, area, and volume.
(Grades 7-8)
This course offers an introduction to probability, from a theoretical and an experimental perspective. Students learn about dependent, independent, and mutually exclusive events, and solve both routine and non-routine problems. Students conduct experiments, interpret and analyze data, note patterns that emerge, and compare their results with those predicted by theory. They also learn ways to display the data and to determine rules for the probability of the outcome.
Public Speaking
(Grades 6-8)
Dread speaking in class, giving speeches and oral presentations? This is the workshop for you! Improve your skills and confidence by becoming a better orator and learn techniques for writing and giving persuasive speeches and debates.
Read Like a Detective and Write Like a Reporter!
(Grades 5-8)
Do you want to be a movie or book reviewer, a blogger or just get a jump start on open-ended SAT responses? In this course you will learn how to read closely, like a detective, in order to write clearly! You will read a variety of texts that you choose and practice skills that help you identify facts, opinions, supportive details and structure. You’ll analyze central ideas, supporting ideas and claims. Then you’ll write a summary, like an investigative reporter! First, you will practice writing summary statements with a central idea on the meaning of the text you choose. Later, you will learn to explain your central idea based on your close reading of the text and write two points with examples that support it. Finally, you’ll end your response in a clever way, a clincher that circles back to the main idea in a clear last sentence that wraps it all up.
STEM-Career Exploration
(Grades 6-8)
What do you want to major in? What kind of job do you want? This course will provide a research path to finding out what concrete steps students will need to be take in order to reach your life goals of college and career. The course is focused on STEM Careers (Science Technology Engineering Math).
The Big History Project
(Grades 6-8)
Where did we come from? What causes change? Where are we heading?
Big History takes on these questions that originate with the dawn of time, and gives students a framework to tell the story of humanity’s place in the Universe. It’s more than a history course. Big History helps students see the overall picture and make sense of the pieces: it looks at the past from the Big Bang to modernity, seeking out common themes and patterns that can help us better understand people, civilizations, and the world we live in.
Writing for Literature
(Grades 7-8)
Using various genres, this class will teach you the skills and techniques for analyzing, discussing, and writing about literature. Students will respond to the works both through class discussion and in-class writing. You will then get individual feedback to improve your writing skills. This is an ideal class for students who want to improve their writing or who want to get some experience with the kind of writing found in the new SAT.
jersey mom
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의대학비 MD-PHD장학금
수학,과학에 자신이 있는 학생들이라면 열에 아홉이 의대진학을 꿈꾼다. 그러나 엄청난 학비가 큰 부담으로 느껴지는건 사실이다. 한국학생들에게는 조금 생소할지도 모른 MD-PHD 과정을 소개하려고 합니다. 이 과정은 각 의대의 대표주자를 양성하는 프로그램이라고 할수있겠습니다. 일단 의대에서도 top 5~10%성적의 학생들고 MD과정과 PHD과정을 모두 취득하는 통합 프로그램이라고 할수 있겠습니다. MD과정과 PHD과정의 장학금과 더불어 많은 해택이 있는 프로그램입니다. 이과정은 아는 사람은 다 아는 Crème de la crème, top of the top 이라고 생각할 수 있습니다. 진로는 당연 의사가 될 수 있겠구요. 레지던트 찿을때도 당연 우선권을 가질 수 있습니다. 또 대학병원에 진료와 연구를 병행하는 계속 공부하는 의사가 될 수 있습니다. 주위에 MD-PHD 과정을 이수한 한국의사는 아직 보지 못했지만 어렵지만 제 주위에 추천 해 주고싶은 프로그램입니다.
무엇보다도 높은 GPA. 고교에서 대학에 진학때보다 대학에서 의대 지망시 GPA가 더욱 중요하다고 합니다. 실례로 제 남편이 의대교수로 인터뷰 심사시 아무리 Harvard 졸업생의 낮은 GPA보다는 다소 떨어지는 학교라도 훌륭한 성적의 학생을 합격시키는 경우가 많다고 합니다. 그리고 실제로 완벽에 가까운 GPA로 지원하는 학생들이 많다고 합니다. 그래서 높은 경쟁률의 의대의 경우 GPA3.8~3.9 의 학생들이 대기자 명단에 오르기 일쑤라고 합니다. 즉 일반대학 1~3%, 아이비의 상위 10%내에는 들어야 합격가능성이 높다고 할 수 있겠습니다.
GPA에 이어 두번째로 중요한 MCAT 성적. 99%에 가까운 완벽한 성적의 학생도 많다고 합니다.
이 밖에도 개인 에세이(personal statement) 교수 추천서 (recommendation) 과외활동이나 리서치 경력(논문발표 등 포함 대학과의 인터뷰 등을 통해 합격여부에 중요한 결정요소가 됩니다. 특히 연구경력이나 해당분야의 강력한 추천서가 많은 효과를 발휘한다고 합니다.
■MD-PhD프로그램 운영하는 대학
-Albert Einstein College of Medicine
-Baylor College of Medicine
-Case Western Reserve University
-Columbia University
-Cornell University
-Duke ‘University
-Emory University .
-Harvard Medical School
-Johns Hopkins University
-Mount Sinai School-of Medicine
-New York University
-Northwestern University
-Penn State University
-Stanford University
-SUNY at Stonybrook Health Sciences Center
-Tufts University
-University of Alabama
-UCSan Diego
-UC San Francisco
-University of Colorado
-University of Iowa
-University of Michigan
-University of Minnesota
-University of Pennsylvania
-University of Rochester
-University of Texas Dallas
-University of Virginia
-University of Washington
-Vanderbilt University
-Washington University
-Yale University
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